Members’ Blogs: How-to Guide

16 November 2023 | Inclusive Journalism Cymru

As an organisation dedicated to supporting journalists and writers, we are incredibly proud of our members’ blogs. This feature gives writers a paid platform from which to share their stories, and has been one of our key successes, with subjects ranging from social mobility to trans rights to disability in the workplace. Our contributors have had their work shared on social media and on our newsletters, with one blog post even being syndicated in a Portuguese publication! We also see them as a valuable resource for employers, funders and change-makers, acting as pointers towards creating a safer and fairer environment for journalists. 

It is absolutely vital that people from marginalised backgrounds are heard – we urge you to add your voice to the conversation. 

To make the process as clear and simple as possible, we’ve listed some guidelines below. 

Sign up to be a member

There are many reasons why you should become a member of Inclusive Journalism Cymru. First off, it’s free, easy, and there’s no test. You’ll get access to incredible opportunities, such as online masterclasses and training programmes, plus be part of a supportive network of fellow-minded people. Sign up now.

Write from the heart

We want to hear about your direct experiences, your undiluted truths. Think more of a personal essay rather than an objective news piece. We don’t need references and first person narrative is encouraged. You are of course welcome to use research, but we are more interested in how it ties together with your experience.  

For example: I have a masters degree and a weakness for kebabs and curry sauce (not together). My socioeconomic and cultural class identity is a bundle of contradictions.

Opinion or fact?

Be mindful of stating something you think or feel as cold-hard fact. If it’s something you believe and have witnessed, say so. 

For example: Speaking as someone who has been quietly using women’s toilets and changing rooms for over 30 years without causing any trouble, I’d like to be able to put my side of the story.

Keep it concise

Our blogs are usually between 700 – 900 words long. That’s why it might be best to focus on a particular topic rather than a more broad or general experience. Be punchy and specific. 

Flourish with feedback

After you send in your first draft, we’ll take a look and make any suggestions. There will be an opportunity to discuss these edits and make sure that we’re on the same page. There will also be the chance to have a retrospective session where we can go over the writing process and see if there’s any room for improvement (on both sides!)

Send us your invoice

We pay £100 per blog post which will be paid upon publication. If it’s your first time sending an invoice, we’ve got a template which you can fill in stress-free. 

If you think you have a story to tell about working in the media industry in Wales, get in touch. We are open to discussing your ideas and working with you to create something you can feel really proud of.